Strengths' Inventory


A B C I have lots of energy, vim & vigor.
A B C I look great, physically.
Instructions Read the list of strengths. Add the personal strengths you have that may not be listed. Circle the letter marking your position: A for optimal strengths, C for areas that need to be strengthened. We will develop and implement a plan to bring you up to full strength.


Personal Health
A B C My body is healthy & well-taken care of.


A person is as powerful as they are strong enough to wield their powers. In business, the professions, sports,community and private life; core happiness and satisfactions are predicated on skill sets based on integrity, clarity and strength. Strengthen your strengths instead of your weaknesses. Do this exercise then contact Dale Bruder at 520-331-1956.



A B C I can articulate on what is really happening.


A B C I can count on my income each month.
A B C _________________________________
A B C I recover well from illness.
A B C I have extra money in a safe and available place.



A B C _________________________________
A B C My life is full of only healthy stress.


A B C _________________________________
A B C I am free of credit cards, installment debt.
A B C I am financially independent, or clearly on the track.


A B C Money (or the lack of it) doesn't hold me back.




A B C I feel a special connection with certain people.
A B C My family loves me even more that I need.
A B C I get paid well for the work I perform.
A B C _________________________________


A B C I like & get what I need from the work that I do.
A B C I have the training & education I need to get ahead.
A B C I am respected at work.
A B C _________________________________
A B C _________________________________
A B C My friends love me even more that I need.
A B C _________________________________

A B C I have a best friend.

A B C People are there when I need them to be.
A B C I have a group of 10 people I can count on.
A B C __________________________________





A B C I have a designed, regular physical fitness workout.


A B C ___________________________________
A B C I am optimistic about myself & my future.


A B C People listen to me & respond to me & what I say.
A B C I am actively engaged in creating my future.
A B C I recover well from challenges & difficulties.
A B C I trust in a higher power.


A B C I am graceful in social situations.
A B C I often & willingly share my thoughts & ideas.
Situational Communication
A B C I am free from addiction to substances, food.
A B C __________________________________


A B C __________________________________
A B C ___________________________________
A B C I make people feel great about themselves.
A B C I attract great people to/around me.
A B C __________________________________
A B C I hear beyond what others are saying.
A B C I eat a well-balanced diet.
A B C I readily put myself first when I need to.

Name_______________________________________ Date__________________________


A B C I get my point across, powerfully & consistently.

A B C I deliver parties/events that others love.
A B C My social calendar is full/nearly full.


A B C _________________________________



A B C I lead a group/staff well.
A B C __________________________________
A B C __________________________________
A B C __________________________________


A B C I am a great people manager.


A B C ___________________________________
A B C I know my 'stuff' (technical, info, procedures)


A B C I handle myself well in business situations/meetings.


A B C ____________________________________


A B C __________________________________





A B C I adapt & make the most of changes around me.


A B C I don't mind risk, I use it to get what I want.
A B C I anticipate problems & handle them early.
A B C I recover well from disappointments & problems.


A B C I can count on myself to always survive the worst.
A B C ____________________________________


A B C I am very organized & neat.


A B C I don't gossip, I keep confidences, I am trustworthy.


A B C People can count on me to be on time, keep my word.
A B C I ask for & get what I need.


A B C I have & honor my personal standards.
A B C I make & follow through on my commitments.