Begin a 72 day transformative sojourn on the fifth moon of the ancient lunar calendar. Over the next two and a half moon cycles experience a deepened wisdom of the I Ching and realize a manifesting of your inquiry. This 14 part seminar uses the Twelve Branches process of manifesting a contextual reality, way of being, of acquiring or releasing "among the ten thousand things" through a Zen Shojo transformative vehicle.
Your life activites, including intentional, habitual and happenstance, are the means and matters. By faithfully and diligently engaging your Zen Shojo through the Mandala of the I Ching during the upcoming lunar cycles you'll realize your request in it's most appropriate form. Be like water.
The 12 Branch structure of the I Ching is both the vehicle and a map of a transformative sojourn. During the 72 days of the Transformative Tao process your daily personal life and activity is your landscape.
Everything is material, those you encounter deliver messages, things are given and taken away, stuff happens. The approach is experiential. One acts from instinct and intuition independent of judgement. Results are measured in matters and means.
Being in the way of the Transformative Tao cultivates seeing what is coming, hearing what is about to be said and knowing what is ready to happen for you. This way is auspicious in providing openings for spiritual alchemy.
Seminar Structure
Days Before New Moon
6:00 -8:00pm Introduction to the I Ching process. Assignment; Compose an Eight Word Inquiry.
On the New Moon Casting your inquiry of the oracle and beginning your 72 day sojourn.
six days for 2 1/2 Lunar Cycles
Oracle Touchstone at Tao Time I Ching study group. Bring your Zen Shojo in for maintenance. Stay for the Tao Time session. Attend the lectures you want. Online guidance and instruction at every branch.
Workshop and Seminar Materials
1. Participants receive a customized Twelve Branches workbook of the oracles' response nuclear hexagram. A sample mandala of a twelve branches and a sample branch is presented here.
2. Seminar materials in your email box every six days at each branch. Daily Tao lunar hexagram messages on Tao Time facebook page. Deepened understanding of the I Ching occurs in this seminar.
NOTE: Participants provide the I Ching text of their choice for reference. Recommendations at TaoTime
Seminar $90
Make your registration.and enter your before beginning time. Register now to assure your place in this Transformative Tao I Ching Seminar.
The Twelve Branches of the Transformative Tao is a map of a path to follow and a vehicle to engage for reaching a goal in it's most usable form. The I Ching's capability to both predicate and guide makes this venerable source of wisdom a wise choice of action in our time.
Methodically stay with it and you will reach the appropriate manifestation of your original inquiry.
Be like water.